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Whatever expertise you bring to the table can be employed and will be much appreciated.

We Have our CPMC General Meeting the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm. Come out, meet some of the parents, learn about what is upcoming and find out how you can help! Even if you are not sure where you want to help, come out and hear about whats the CPMC is all about!

The great thing about volunteering with the Band Boosters is that there are jobs available for any time schedule. Some positions allow you to come to the competitions and practices and be very involved with the students, while others can be done “behind the scenes” and after hours. A job may sound intimidating at first, but you’ll generally find it’s easy once you jump in. There are many fellow Boosters available to help out as well. Try several positions…you never know what’s going to “click” for you ! Below is a list of positions and their responsibilities and associated tasks:

Uniforms: This group consists of parents and friends of the band that help with getting the students properly sized for their uniforms keeping the uniforms clean and organized during the season. Then at the end of the season getting them off to the Cleaners and cataloged when returned. Flexible dates and can be done during Evening practices Monday/Wednesday.

Chaperones: Away Football Games and Competitions we have a Group of Parents that ride the bus and are with the students at all times while they are away from our campus. Band Students start referring to you as “Mom” and “Dad” and it makes you feel apart of something special! Photographer & Videographer: Take Pictures and/or Videos for the Band at all Competitions, shows, concerts, football games, events and fundraisers. If you are handy with a camera and love taking photos or videos please consider being part of this team.

Pit Crew: Not only do you work closely with the band members, you get a Front-row view of the one field performances! The men and women of the pit crew load the equipment into the trailers for away games and competitions, they are the ones that move the Pit Percussion (Marimbas, Podiums, props, etc) on and off the field at football games and Competitions.

Prop Design: Are you artistic, or great with your hands or with tools? No experience necessary, come out and help with the designing, or painting or props that will be used during Marching Band Performance.

Concessions: This is our Biggest CPMC Event all season, and we need everyone helping. Home football games, we run the concessions stands Away and Home concession stands.

Hospitality: During the fall season – The Hospitality team, works on getting donations for “Feed the Bands” We host a meal to the Marching Band before every competition. We set a menu, work on a sign-up genius and then set up the cafeteria or tables during practice and hand out food. Very rewarding and a more relaxed event that gives you time with the students and seeing them laughing and enjoying each other!

Senior Night: Senior Students are recognized during a Football Game. We have someone that coordinates the list, gets the posters and other items needed. And at the Football game directs families where to go.

Fundraising: We have multiple fundraisers throughout the year. Fundraisers include donut sales, car washes, dine to donate, etc. Chair maintains communication with organizations and businesses that support the band. We are always looking for something new. Bring your ideas and help bring great things to CPMC!

Band Banquet: We have an end of Season Celebration – November, this is for Families and Band Students. But it takes a lot of planning, Food, Pictures, Video, Centerpieces, Raffles, Cake, etc. We have a committee that breaks it down to make it easier to manage. Come join the team!

2023/24 CPMC Board Members President: Chris Main
President-in-Training: Dan Deutsch
Treasurer: Melanie Deutsch
Assistant Treasurer: OPEN
VP1/Fundraising: Michelle Muhammed
Assistant Fundraising: OPEN
VP2/Clearances: Joe & Amanda Petrarca
Correspondence Secretary: Andrea Main
Recording Secretary: Hope Been
Concessions: Kurt & Roxie Katzor

Coatesville Parents Music Club | P.O. Box 72082 | Thorndale, PA 19372 |