The purpose of the Coatesville Parents Music Club is to lend support, both Moral and financial to the Music Departments of the High and Intermediate schools of the Coatesville Area School District and promote Music Education. Second to cooperate with the Directors of the Music Programs to the end that the Music Departments be brought to and kept at the highest degree of efficiency. We organize and manage fundraiser events to boost the funds available to our Music Programs.

Each school year, we organize several fund raisers such as car washes, lotteries, Longaberger Basket Bingo. Parents and Guardians of students in ANY Music Department Activity in grades 4 - 12 of the Coatesville Area School District may be a voting member upon payment of a nominal dues. Other individuals interested in the Music Department programs may be an Associate Member with a nominal due fee. New members are always welcome! If you have the ability and desire to enhance the quality of our music programs, then please join us. If you own a business in our community and would like to support our programs, please contact any of our members for more information on how to make your charitable donation. Meetings are held on the Second Wednesday of each month at the Coatesville Area High School in the Library at 6:30pm. Please contact any C.P.M.C member for more information or attend our next meeting.

Parents: Your participation in this program is needed, please join us! We Need Your Support!!

Welcome to the Coatesville Parents Music Club, an organization dedicated to supporting the Red Raider Marching Band. A major part of our job is to encourage parents to explore and participate in the volunteer opportunities and scheduling involved in supporting a championship marching unit such as the Red Raider Marching Band. Your student's opportunity to participate in marching band is dependent, in part, on you volunteering to support the band's activities. Help is needed before, during and after each scheduled event. Some tasks can be completed in your home, and some will require your presence at the various functions. Anything you do will be greatly appreciated, and you get the bonus of being part of one of the most exciting groups on campus! Participation in the marching band is a very significant commitment, but tremendously rewarding.

Check the volunteer sign-up rosters for the various functions that are posted at the above mentioned events and VOLUNTEER! If every family volunteers at a minimum of 2 events per student, we can produce a successful marching season.

Mark your calendars with times and locations of events. Then be there!

Help your student make sure that his or her uniform is maintained and "inspection ready" BEFORE arriving at each event. This saves a volunteer from cleaning shoes or fixing a zipper in a panic at the last minute.

Watch for and read your weekly newsletter composed by each director, which would include valuable information. Please return all correspondence to the appropriate person and place in a timely manner.

Review the student Behavior Expectation Sheet.

Please contact a C.P.M.C Officer with any questions. Some parents are unable to attend meetings or events, but are willing to assist in other areas. PLEASE Contact Us! We will place you in a task that fits your schedule and talents.

Coatesville Parents Music Club | P.O. Box 72082 | Thorndale, PA 19372 | cvillepmc.org